2022, Media installation
The project was commissioned for the 'Reverse (Obratka)' exhibition dedicated to the 25th anniversary of 'Brother' movie. The exhibition was funded by CTB Film Company.
Used media:
Technological sculpture made of prepared CD player, soviet vinyl player and radio; print on thermal paper, a spotlight projection.
The primary reference behind the artwork is the personal story. Once I travelled from Moscow to Saint Petersburg in an almost empty sitting 14-hours-going train coach. When I woke up, I saw that one of the passengers sitting not far away from me was studying the assembly schematics of the handgun. I was sitting benumbed. After a few minutes, he rolled it up, grabbed his rucksack and left for the toilet. Half an hour later he returned with a sad look and continued to study the diagram.

May the guns never be assembled.
The killing must be stopped.

The installation consists of 2 parts.

The assembly scheme of the TT pistol is attached to the wall. This model of the handgun was actively used by the Chekists in the USSR in the 1950s and 1980s, and in Russia in the 1990s and 2000s by bandits. The diagram is printed on facsimile paper and a spotlight is directed at it. The diagram completely disappears during the exhibition because of the spotlight heat.

The sound object stays on the pedestal that combines musical elements from several eras - a Soviet stationary home radio (an image of a propaganda mouthpiece), a vinyl player (the first technology to break through the Iron Curtain en masse), a CD player (as one of the first devices to break into the market after the collapse of the USSR). The CD player was dissected and combined with the vinyl player in such a way, that the needle damaged the disk during playing. Sound from CD and vinyl players is mixed and played via the radio speaker. The compact disk contains the same gun diagram translated into sound using an algorithm. The needle scratches the surface of the disc during playback until the player stops playing completely. The object forms the image of a post-soviet man, glued on the social attitudes of different eras as on the ruins of former history.