2019, Data scraping device
Used media:
3D printing, ESP32-S board, sensors.
A data scraping wearable device called 'Scriber' was created as a part of the 'Mind maps' project.
'Mind maps' aims to maximise documentation of the epistemological process using an interface with a system of sensors that capture the interaction with the text in a certain space and location.

The idea emerged from the regular practice of reading on public transport. I have a habit of underlining the main text points for easier understanding. Underlining is a non-trivial task on Russia's ruined roads. It is more akin to the results of a seismographic survey on the background of a text. After a while, I noticed the connection between the texts that I read at the moment and the locations on the public transport routes. The cognitive process expanded into a complex sensory perception, in which the city became an integral part. It could be compared to the inverted method of loci where knowledge has a direct link with real places in the city and "sticks" to the map.

'Scriber' is a tool for data gathering during the process of reading. It is a wristband worn over clothing to which the 4-colour BIC pen is attached. The device begins to store data from several sensors during the underlining. It stores data on ROC Graphite ESP32-S (clone of Adafruit ESP32 Feather) microcontroller from an accelerometer, gyroscope and GPS sensors.